
Showing posts from September, 2017

Marthas Vineyard - Block Island - Sag Harbor - Orient Point - Port Jefferson

Hi it's Lucy again. We got a little behind on our blog! So this Blog post is going to cover a lot of places and different things we did.
       Hi this is Jessie!  We have just made it to Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard From Wellfleet, Cape Cod.  So far we have traveled 45 nautical miles. The trip to the Vineyard was very foggy but surprisingly smooth. My favorite part was going through the Cape Cod Canal. We went under the Sagamore bridge, the Bourne bridge, and the train bridge.            Then, we made it to Buzzards Bay. Usually Buzzards Bay is really rough but it was actually quite calm. As we approached Martha's Vineyard on our boat Flying Fish we saw a big group of         schooners. My dad, the captain, said it was probably a schooner regatta. A schooner regatta is kind of like a schooner party.    We have been postponed by hurricane Jose and we are stuck on the Vineyard until the storm passes. So far we have gotten lots done while waiting out the storm, like schoolwork, food shopping, and fixing up any deck le...

Lucy's Shark Experience

Lucy's Shark Experience      On August 22 I got an amazing chance to stand up for sharks and the ocean ecosystem. I was about to go to bed and I heard my mom gasp. My dad had just shared with her County Commissioner Ron Beaty's plan to set baited drum lines to trap the sharks near popular beaches. Sharks found still alive would be shot then brought away from the beaches and discarded into the ocean. I heard about the plan before many other people did and jumped into action. I wrote him an email right then explaining why it would be a bad idea. Here it is: Dear Mr. Beaty,  I am a twelve year old ocean advocate and I felt the need to share some information with you when I heard about your shark mitigation proposal. By killing the Great White Sharks you are destroying the ocean ecosystem around the Cape. The sharks balance the ecosystem. When you kill them off you knock the ecosystem off of balance. Sharks are the predator of seals, not people, and when we kill ...